Friday, April 11, 2008

Melaka, Malaysia

Last week we went for a long weekend to Melaka, in Malaysia. It´s only a 3 hour drive from Singapore, so we could just make it without having two whining children in the back of the car.
It was nice to be outside Singapore again and stroll around in a small colonial town. It was not as relaxed as we had hoped, because both Thijmen and Milou where sometimes a little difficult to handle...
They both didn´t want to sit at the table in their high chairs during breakfast, lunch and dinner time, Thijmen didn´t want to eat and he kept on saying that he needed to go to the toilet. But every time we took him there he said: "don´t want", or he squeezed his nose as to say it was too dirty. But in between his tantrums and Milou´s fits of crying we had a nice time.

Melaka was in Dutch hands for 150 years and you can still see some typical features of Dutch colonial architecture. So we felt a little bit like walking along a Dutch canal in Leiden. Main difference was the weather, it was very sunny and hot!

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